Tag: kubernetes

  • Adding a (scientifically-useful?) workload to k3s

    Adding a (scientifically-useful?) workload to k3s

    I’ve got a k8s cluster in my cupboard, and the plan here is to work on some debugging and monitoring posts and tools, so I need a workload. The first workload will be folding@home, because it’s easy :) And in a break from helming, I’m going to apply the manifest here. We have a couple…

  • Grafana on k3s (with metallb and nginx)

    Grafana on k3s (with metallb and nginx)

    This is a follow-on from my earlier post, but hopefully k8s is consistent enough that you don’t need to know that. Sadly, this is less helmy :( Use the Prometheus-operator We’ll use the prometheus operator to install and configure prometheus. First, let’s get everything created. This will clone a git repo then create a bunch…

  • K3S with metallb and nginx-ingress

    K3S with metallb and nginx-ingress

    I followed Greg Jeanmart’s tutorial for this a few years back, but things have changed, as they always do in k8s! I’m also lazy and like to steer close to Helm installing stuff. This is all on a Debian machine who’s hostname is nuc Install K3s First, install k3s, without servicelb (we will use metallb)…

  • kubectl port-forward and the lost art of bash job control

    kubectl port-forward and the lost art of bash job control

    A really common part of debugging stuff in k8s is to create a port-forward and then open a new shell and do a thing. Which is fine and easy when you’re port-forwarding to the machine you’re actually sat at, but less so when you’re not.