Tag: config

  • Converting from Apache1-style to (Debian-style) Apache2-style vhosts

    Yeah, some of us are still doing that migration. Anyway, historically Apache vhosts are all in one file at /etc/apache/httpd.conf or if you’re really lucky something like /etc/apache/vhosts.conf. Apache2 in Debian uses two directories – /etc/apache2/sites-available and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. sites-available contains one file for each vhost and in order to enable them they’re linked to from…

  • Allowing uploads of arbitrary files in MediaWiki

    I did RTFM and I did what it said, and still my Mediawiki complained when I tried to upload executable files and things with funny file extensions or mime types. if $wgFileExtensions is empty but $wgEnableUploads = true and $wgStrictFileExtensions = false it should just let me upload anything. I can’t think what other behaviour…

  • Fail2Ban and date formats

    Fail2Ban is utterly daft in at least one respect. Here’s me testing a regex on a date format it doesn’t recognise: # fail2ban-regex ‘2010-12-14 15:12:31 –’ ‘ – <HOST>$’ Found a match but no valid date/time found for 2010-12-14 15:12:31 – Please contact the author in order to get support for this format…

  • Getting root on a UK T-Mobile Galaxy S

    It’s a bit weird. The process was really easy, but none of the tutorials I found worked; each stopped working at one point or another. So, assuming other people will hit the same barriers and want a Just Works way to get root, I’ve gone through my terminal history for the bits that worked. Obviously,…

  • Whoo! Theme update!

    I’ve updated the theme, and applied my handy modifications that make it more grey. Here’s the diff on the css file, if you’re wondering what I did (and for next time when I forget). I despise CSS, so it’s all nice and easy. The changes are to give the <pre> tags a grey (#EEE) background…

  • Giving Android a swap file

    I don’t know if it’s because I’m doing more with it than I used to, or the rose-tinted specs that come with the novelty value have worn off, or if the later updates have been designed for more powerful hardware, but my G1’s been lagging a bit recently, so I figured I’d have a look…

  • Cyanogen on my G1

    I’ve just upgraded to Cyanogen on my G1 and it’s lovely. Well, I got root, which is basically what I always wanted. I basically followed the instructions on the Cyanogen wiki and everything worked exactly as described, I’ve nothing really to add here except to say it’s brilliantly easy and everyone should do it. One…

  • Some notes from configuring rTorrent

    In anticipation of the new *buntus tomorrow, I’m configuring one of my servers as a torrent node for it, and for reasons unknown I’ve settled on rtorrent which is in the repos. The documentation is a little lacking (but does tell you how to do things like download torrents. Read it), and the most popular…

  • Moving WinXP’s My Documents

    The My Documents directory location is stored in the registry at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders in a key called personal. The following script is what I use to remap this to u:/documents: ;; create some dirs: u: mkdir documents mkdir outlook ;; Move My Documents folder: ;; delete current setting reg.exe delete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders” /v Personal /f…

  • Using Synergy to share a keyboard and mouse across PCs

    Synergy is a really neat way of using multiple computers at the same time, like a more convenient KVM switch (you do need to be physically close to all of them). It basically allows you to have a monitor for each PC on your desk, and one keyboard and mouse with which to monitor them.…

  • Stop OSX writing .DS_Store and ._ files on network shares

    All our fileservers are Windows. Most of the files are manipulated in OSX. This isn’t likely to change soon since, irrespective of who is accountable for most of the bytes, Windows are far and away the most populous in terms of hosts. .DS_Store files are apple’s way of storing the finder preferences for a particular…